Are you a Black Friday Shopper?
When we lived in Utah and we had Target, Toys-R-Us, and a mall right around the corner, I did go Black Friday shopping. Now we have to drive an hour away and I am not a morning person. Thanks to the nice recession, you can find good deals after Black Friday. Not that a recession is ever a good thing, but it is good for shopping!!
When do you put up your Tree?
Normally, we put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. However, if we go home for Christmas, then we put it up after we get back home.
Do you Travel at Christmas or Stay home?
The past 2 years we have gone home, only because we had spent 6 years far away from home. However, I am really missing Christmas at our home and we are already planning on staying at home next Christmas. It is fun being with family, but I miss being in my home.
What is your favorite Christmas Movie of All time?
Oh my, I am a lover of the classic Christmas movies. I love It's A Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (the original is my fav), Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Home Alone, and the list goes on and on.
Do you do your own Christmas Baking, what’s your favorite treat?
My mother-in-law taught me how to make fudge the year that David was deployed to Iraq over Christmas. I have made it every year since then. The key, in her words, is to boil the hell out of it. This year, I was lazy and bought all the pre-made holiday goodies at Wal-mart and threw it in one of the festive tins and gave them to Landon's therapists and Tyler's dance teachers. SSSHHHH....don't tell!
Fake or Real Tree?
When I was in junior high, I was diagnosed with allergy induced asthma. I was highly allergic to mold and the live Christmas tree had to go. I bawled and bawled. I loved going and picking out the tree. My mom was secretly relieved because she had been wanting to get an artificial tree because real trees were getting so expensive. Now, I really like my artificial tree. The lights are already on it! Less work for me!!
What day (as a mom) does the actual panic set in to get it all done?
I never panic over Christmas. I shop really early for Christmas, so there is no stress on the money aspect of Christmas. Last year, I stressed b/c we didn't think David could get off work to go home and all the kids presents were home. This year it is the week before Christmas and we do not know when he is getting off, but I am chill about it all. I am really becoming a seasoned military wife!
Are you still wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes, only because all of our presents are at my mom's house and we do not get there until right before Christmas.
What Christmas craft do you like the best?
LOL, if you know me IRL, then you know that I am not crafty. What you say, you are going to be a teacher. Yes, I know, I can be crafty when I have to, but it doesn't come willingly. We did make a gingerbread house. IT was kind of a nightmare, but the kids had a blast and it ended up really cute!
Christmas music. Yes or No, and if yes What is your favorite song?
Yes or NO, what kind of question is that! I love O Holy Night, Carol of the Bells, Silent Night, Away in a Manger, and so many more!! It is the one time of the year that I wish I had a talent for singing. Oh well!
When do you plan to finish all your shopping?
Done, well I have 2 gift cards left to purchase.
When do you take the tree down?
New Years Day.
Do you like eggnog?
Honestly, I have never tried it. I have been to chicken.
Hardest person to buy for?
HHHMMMM, everyone is equally challenging. I always want to find that perfect gift. I guess I would say, my sister and her husband.
Easiest person to buy for?
David, Tyler, and Landon.
Worst gift you ever received?
OMG, the Chrismtas after Tyler was born, someone bought me fleece pj pants in a 2X. I cried. It was hard enough living in England, far away from family on Tyler's first Christmas, but then to be accused of being obese!! It was too much!When do you start shopping for the holidays?
I start seriously shopping around Labor Day Weekend, but normally before then.Have you ever recycled a present?
I don't think so.
Favorite thing to eat during the holidays?
Fudge and my mom's big brunch on Christmas morning.
Lights on the tree?
They have to be white. I love white lights. I have never been crazy about colored lights.
Angel on the tree top or a star?
I had an angel that was given to my mom when I was born. So that makes it, well hmmmm, close to 30, but not quite there!! Needless to say, she just doesn't stand up anymore. So my tree is bare because I cannot find that perfect tree topper.
Favorite ornament theme or color? We have ornaments that have been given to us over the years. David and I have our ornaments from when we were kids. My mom has a tradition that she gives each one of us a new ornament every year. The majority of our ornaments have a story behind them. We also have lots of razorback ornaments that remind us of home. I also have one from my church back home.
What gift are you hoping to receive this year?
LOL, I am not really expecting anything this year. I kind of had a wreck this past weekend. I wasn't at fault, well it is up for the insurance companies to decide. But he rear ended me. Anyways this is a whole different post. David took me shopping on Friday to find me something and nothing stood out. He racked up though. Last night he asked me if I wanted an IPhone and I didn't say NO!! So we will see!! Honestly, as long as our family is together, I do not care!!
That was fun!!! I love the holidays!! Especially now that I am done with this semester!! I am coming up on my 100th post!! WOW!!! So I am thinking that you can ask me questions. I love it when people do that. You get to know more about them! I am thinking about a little give away, but kind of stumped for ideas right now. P.S. Not sure why this is double spacing! Blogger is weird sometimes!!

I love reading these! The holidays are the best time of the year!