Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

First off, I just want to thank everyone for the great shoe suggestions.  I am going shoe shopping this weekend.  I found some online that I am in LOVE with, but I think I need to shop in person for that perfect shoe!!  Wish me luck!!  Also, thank you for the prayers for my friends.  I really appreciate it.  It has been an emotional week, but also a week where the grass looks greener, those hugs last a few seconds longer, and missing my family in AR was a little harder.  By the way, I may sound loopy.  I am barely awake!  :-)

Has anyone seen the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are?  This is one of my favorite children's books.  When I decided to go back to school for elementary education, it was the first book that I bought for my classroom.  With that being said, I am not sure what to think of it being made into a movie.  I am trying not to have high hopes.  I am always let down my books to movies, especially classics.  Will Tyler and Landon love the movie?  Probably so!  I can really see Landon getting into this movie.  In fact, Landon is so much like Max.

If you haven't seen the trailer, check it out!

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  1. Honestly, I'm a little scared to see it. It looks freaky! I wish they had done it as a cartoon.

  2. I haven't seen the previews but I had heard about it. I hope you're able to find that perfect shoe!

  3. I never read that when I was young but my husband did. It looks interesting. I love the Arcade Fire song in the trailer.


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