Monday, October 12, 2009

Walking on Sunshine

I have amazing friends in real life, bloggy friends, and family.  Thank you for all of your comments, phone calls, and emails!  I just wanted everyone to know that I am in the best mood today!!  David is in the best mood today.  Andrea referred to homecoming day as Purple Dress Day!  I loved it and I am not calling it that day!  We should find out this week when Purple Dress Day will be here!  I am so excited!  Nothing can get me down!  I feel like I am Walking on Sunshine!!  (I get kind of corny when I am excited!)

Have I told yall lately how much I love my husband.  Just in case you didn't know, I LOVE HIM!!  On Saturday morning, I was in my bedroom folding up laundry.  Fun Stuff.  I heard the doorbell and thought to myself, why are these kids playing outside in low 30 degree weather and wanting Tyler to come out and play.  I opened the door and no one was there.  I looked up and saw a FedEx truck drive by.  HHHMMM, weird!  I looked down and there was a box.  Inside the box, I found these......

With the sweetest note inside!  Daisies are my favorite!  I am one lucky girl!!!
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  1. Yay for the good mood! I work at a flower shop and our FAVORITE customers are soldiers who are overseas. We have a few regulars and they are always so nice, even though they are staying up late to call. I try and make their flowers EXTRA pretty!

  2. Aw! Such pretty flowers!

  3. Yay for Purple Dress Day! And what beautiful flowers! :)


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