Friday, June 12, 2009

"D" Day

*Please ignore how crooked this picture is. It was 4 a.m.

Today was the day. I am exhausted. Tyler is exhausted. Pretty sure David is exhausted. Landon has no clue what is going on! Bless his heart, he has been keep us laughing!! I wasn't going to write a post but I won't be on the computer today. I am hoping to take a nap, REAL SOON LIKE!!! I am running on about 4 hours. Then Operation Stay Busy will be in full swing. I am seeing Wal-Mart and a movie in store for the day!

We are ok. Thanks for the emails and phone calls. I may not have responded or answered my phone but I have stayed off the computer and I wanted to soak up every last minute with David. I will update later. For now, I just want to rest.

David's long leg of his journey to Kuwait will be tomorrow. Please pray for him and his troops. He is the Big Guy in charge! I am so proud of him. Wow, has he really been in that long to be the one in charge? He can handle it and his troops really look up to him! Hopefully a promotion will be in the near future. He deserves it!

Have a great weekend!

P.S. If this post sounds loopy, sorry it is 5:45 and I have been up for over an hour.

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  1. hang in there girl!!!! your fam is in my prayers

  2. Praying for a safe trip for him and praying for you as well!!! Much love, Becky

  3. I'll be praying for your husband and your family.

  4. Just stopping by since you commented on my blog.
    I know I don't know you but from one military spouse to another I feel that I can offer you a big ole hug(((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))
    Hang in there! Just one day at a time! :)

  5. This picture breaks my heart. I am thinking of you, David, and the kids and hoping this time will pass by quickly until all of you can be together again. I love you and if you need anything, please call me, no matter when. I am here for you.

  6. Ugh. Goodbyes are never fun. Glad you are staying busy though. One day down, just a few more to go! :)

    BTW- I love the shred. I got in on Netflix to try it out. Did it for a week before vacation and saw a change in that amount of time. Bought it here, and can't wait to start again!

  7. Awww, you guys will be in my prayers! Thanks for visiting my bloggie! I think if you contact that woman, she'll make you a yellow ribbons sun catcher thing :) There were several of them up there just the other day, and then when I posted it, they sold out. She should give me a deal on them, eh? Hahaha! Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more :)

  8. Wow. Our "D" days are very close. Ours is Wednesday :( Trying not to think about it too much.

    I'll be praying that this first week alone flies by.

    Would you consider e-mailing me to tell me where your husband is deploying to? Just curious if our husbands will be at the same base (doubt it but hey, ya never know :) )



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