Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Time and the Living is Easy

It is always a challenge to get a good picture of Landon.  He loves to ham it up for the camera or turn at the last minute.  Friday night, he was lying in the grass and relaxing.  I couldn't pass up a picture.

This has become my favorite picture of him.  He loves the outdoors and would stay outside all day long if we would let him.  Even though the grass makes him itch like crazy (Pretty sure he is allergic!), he manages to have the time of his life!

Thank you for all the sweet comments on Winston, our new pup.  He is already spoiled rotten.  David is already talking about getting another basset hound.  I think we will have to wait a little longer for that!!

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  1. That is such a cute picture! I love it when little ones have the gestures of adults. That looks like a pose he may have learned from his daddy. Too cute!

  2. This is such a cute picture... he may be hard to wrangle, but the picture is so worth it!

  3. That is such a fabulous picture!

  4. LOVE this picture!! You've been doing great lately with all your photo editing...did someone get Photoshop??!! : )


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