Monday, January 18, 2010


Well things have been a tad bit crazy since school started back up last week.  I knew it would be a busy semester since it was my last block of classes before student teaching in the fall, but I still had no clue!!!  So this is just a random bullet point post on what has been going on.

  • Tyler came home from school on Tuesday and was Orange Panther (their mascot) of the month for her classroom.  She got student of the month the first month of school.  We are so proud of her!!  She also had an AWESOME report card!!  CONGRATS TYLER!!
  • Landon started back to daycare last week after being home with me for a month.  He was pretty ticked off at drop off, but they said as soon as I left, he was happy and playing!!  HHHMMM, I am thinking that was all for show!!  It is a good thing that I know he MISSED his friends so much over break!!
  • Speaking of Landon, he will be 3 years old a week from today!  OH MY, he is growing up so fast!!  He keeps telling us that he is turning 4 and will argue until he is blue in the face!  It is too funny.  Landon has had NO DESIRE in potty training!  Well this weekend David and I decided that it was a 3 day weekend and enough was enough, it was time! He is doing great!  We are in shock.  It has gone so much easier than we thought it would go.  We just may make that 3 year mark after all!!  
  • Grey's Anatomy is back on!  WOOHOOO!!  Oh how I missed my show over break!  
  • All four of us had a 3 day weekend.  We really haven't done much.  We took Landon to go try on some new cowboy boots on Saturday.  He wants new boots for his birthday.  David brushed up on his Mario Bros skills on the Wii. Oh my, that game is so much fun!!  I am just now getting feeling back in my thumb from playing it nonstop when we were snowed in!!
  • My mom was supposed to come up this weekend and celebrate Landon's birthday.  Unfortunately she was down in her back earlier last week and I was scared she would go down on the way here. We were disappointed, but her and dad are both coming up V-Day weekend and staying 4 days!!  It all worked out for the best!!  And mom and dad love having the kids without David and I around.  Looks like we are getting a Date Night!  WOOHOO!!  We are celebrating our belated 30th birthdays and going out to dinner and a movie!  I am already working on David to see Valentines Day.  Wow, that was a long bullet!
  • We are going to Legends next weekend to do some shopping and celebrate Landon's 3rd birthday!!  We have some fun kid friendly activities planned!!  Now if we can just get through this week!!  Yay for a 4 day week!!

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  1. I can't believe he's almost 3! Of course I can't believe mine are all grown either!

  2. That's great that you're going to get to see your parents! I'm so bummed out! I forgot Greys was coming back this week and I missed it!

  3. Sounds like a great time!

  4. Yay for Tyler!

    Three years old? Wow! :) Happy early birthday to him.

  5. Loved the three day weekend here too! Congratulations to Tyler! :)

  6. Wow! Busy, busy times. Sounds like a fun Valentine's weekend coming up. :)

  7. You have such a cute family! I am thinking of changing my major to elementary education :)


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