Wednesday, January 6, 2010


If you know me in real life, then you know that my dad is a fireman.  I have never really worried about his safety.  He has been a fireman for as long as I can remember.  Of course, there are always the fires that you get a little nervous about.  On Sunday morning, I got a text from my mom that said Call Me ASAP.  She had sent the text very early in the morning and knew that I would not be awake yet.  My stomach sunk when I got the text, I knew something was wrong.  I called and she told me that there was a very bad fire in downtown and they called my dad into work early.  (His shift was scheduled to go in on that day.)  She went on to tell me that Lt. David Curlin was seriously injured.  I could tell that my mom was holding back the tears.  She was very worried for Curlin and all of the fireman.  I have NEVER heard my mom so worried over a fire than she was that morning.

At the time, Dad was told to go to the main station and call in volunteer firemen, then they told him to come straight to the fire.  Mom had no clue where he was.  She was not concerned for his safety.  At that point, they were fighting the fire from the outside.  They were basically trying to keep it from spreading.

I could not help but to think, what if that was my dad.  Curlin was stationed at the station that my dad was at for several years (off and on) up until this past fall.  I am thinking that it was the same shift, but mom could not remember.  My dad is a Lt.  What if it had been him.  When a tragedy like this happens, it really puts things into perspective.  You can bet that David and the kids got extra big hugs from me all day.

Lt. David Curlin has a long battle before him.  He has had 2 surgeries already.  He had a surgery yesterday and they found more damage and ended up having to repair that damage instead of what they were going in for.  He has two children (I am not 100% on 2, could be 3).  My mom said that he is one of those people that will talk your ear off, in a good way!  She also said that he is BRILLIANT SMART!

Please keep Lt. David Curlin in your prayers!  Also remember all of the fireman, policeman, and EMT's that put their lives at risk at times to keep us safe!

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  1. Prayers are definitely coming your way. Hope everything turns out well for the LT.

  2. Ohmygoodness. I will definitely say a prayer.

  3. P.S. I love your new layout!

  4. Oh no! That's awful! I'll definitely keep him and his family in my thoughts.


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